Monday, October 26, 2009

Kelly appointed to judgeship – Step forward or back for KDP?

From the CJ: Gov. Steve Beshear Monday gave his political party a chance to gain another seat in the state Senate by appointing Republican Sen. Dan Kelly to a vacant judgeship.

There has been a lot of conjecture about this move in political circles for several months. Once Robin Webb squeaked out a victory in the 18th district special election there seemed little question that the nomination would happen.

The question now is can, the likely nominee, former state Representative Jodie Haydon win? Democrats have a 65% to 29% advantage over the Republicans in the district, but none of the current state representatives, senator or congressmen are democratic.

It appears that Haydon may have learned from recent mistakes and has been working the executive committees in Nelson, Mercer, Marion, Taylor and Washington for some time. This should avoid the problem from the 30th and 18th where small but vocal minorities in the democratic ranks where angered when it appeared that the Governor and KDP were trying to circumvent party bi-law by selecting the nominee without consulting local party leaders.

Next will be the question of campaign management. Both the losing 30th special election and the winning campaign in the 18th were marred by campaign chaos. The administration foisted amateur campaign managers on both candidates. Beshear fundraiser Dan Robinette in the 30th and Chad Aull from the constituent services office in the 18th. From what I have heard both first time campaign managers where thrown in the deep end to ensure that Frankfort could control the campaign and not the candidate.

Some of the shenanigans the 30th have been documented, but the 18th has gone without much analysis. From what I have been told Robin Webb and Aull were at each other’s throats through much of the campaign. The “experts” at the KDP nearly blew a double-digit lead with poor message control, worse staffing decisions (especially in field staff) and an awful negative campaign blitz in the final days. If it weren’t for Robin Webb and a handful of her long time supporters in Greenup County that election could have ended very differently.

One thing is for sure, money shouldn’t be a problem. Between the two sides I would expect to see well over $1 million spent in the next few weeks.

And the next question… If (and that a really big IF ) Haydon and the democrats can win this seat what’s next for Kentucky’s Magician-in-Chief Steve Beshear? Could Sen. Tom Buford be planing a party switch or a change in careers??? Is there another Senator looking to change parties or jobs?

It should make for a fascinating run up to the 2010 session.

Let the games begin!

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